Mama Yasmini's Place

Tomato Garden

Tomatoes, the "love fruit", are a staple in most homes. They can also be utilized for magickal purposes of prosperity and protection. Planted in the garden, they are protection of both the garden and the home.

VS640 Abraham Lincoln (Heirloom) Tomato

A remarkably smooth, mild tasting heirloom variety that is dark red, meaty and solid. Excellent for juice, catsup or slicing. Unique bronze/green foliage. 15 seeds $1.95

VS770 Amish Paste Tomato

An old Amish heirloom dating back to the turn of the century. Used for canning and sauces for generations. Excellent for slicing also. 20 seeds $1.95

VS650 Arkansas Traveller (Heirloom) Tomato

An old heirloom variety from the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri. Fruits are pink and medium sized weighing about 6 ounces. Excellent, creamy mild flavor. Grows well anywhere. 15 seeds $1.95

VS600 Banana Legs Tomato

Very prolific novelty tomato with yellow, pointed banana shaped fruits that are 4" long by 1+" wide. Good, meaty delicious plants that are a must for salads. 25 seeds $1.95

VS660 Beefsteak Tomato

Very large bright scarlet fruits that are very meaty. A favorite whose seeds are must requested. 20 seeds $1.95

VSS670 Black Krim Tomato

Very unusual tomato whose skin is so dark red it is almost black in color. The inside of the fruit are dark red and very sweet and tasty. 15 seeds $1.95

VS680 Dinner Plate Tomato

This one is well named! Its fruits can weigh up to a whopping 30 ounces! Fruits are heart shaped with fine quality, great tasting flesh. 10 seeds $1.95

VS630 English Sungold (Miniature) Tomato

A favorite hybrid from England that produces loads of super sweet bite size fruits. It is a very early producer and can even be greenhouse grown. We expect this tomato to be the rage in the US, so gets yours started now. 15 seeds $1.95

G190 European Heirloom Tomato

A very hardy, vigorous and early setting tomato supplied by our European Friends. It is hardy and bears large fruit with sweet firm flesh. A little different from standard varieties. You should give it a try. Very limited quantities. 5 seeds $2.50

VS690 Evergreen Tomato

As the name implies, this tomato stays green even when ripe. Mild delicious flavor and very meaty. An excellent choice for frying, salsas and conserve recipes.15 seeds $1.95

VS610 German Pink Tomato

A garden favorite that produces large tasty pink fruits in 65 days. Disease resistant. 25 seeds $1.95

VS700 Giant Belgium Tomato

Huge fruits that average 1 to 2 lbs. and have produced 5 lb fruits!. Dark pink fruits that are so sweet, they are sometimes used to make wine. Very solid flesh. Perfect sandwich tomato as one slice covers the whole sandwich!. 15 seeds $1.95

VS620 Golden Boy (Low Acid) Tomato

Low-acid, mild flavored fruit that are golden colored and globe shaped. Very meaty with excellent yields. 25 seeds $1.95

VS570 Goliath Tomato

One of the most popular truck patch tomatoes. Bears sweet, luscious fruits that can average 10 to 15 ounces with perfect wrinkle free skin that is a deep, rich red. Produces yield after yield in only 65 days. Grows anywhere and is very disease resistant. 25 seeds $1.95

G082 Grape Tomato

These are the most delightful miniature tomatoes you will ever grow. They are regular, tasty red tomatoes but they only reach 3/8" or so in size and grow in clusters just like grapes. Great for salads or as a conversation piece. Each plant can bear over a thousand fruits! 15 seeds $1.95

These Grape Tomatoes are unbelieveable tomatoes. They are very tiny, but oh, so good. They are fabulous in salads. These will be in Mama Yasmini's 1999 garden since they were so great in the 1998 garden.

G175 Green Mexican Salsa Tomatillo

This is probably the best tomatillo for salsas. A fast growing plant bearing loads of fruit wrapped in their familiar papery husk. 20 seeds $1.95

VC568 Greenhouse Forcing Tomato

An excellent tomato for greenhouse growing. Bears delicious, large globe shaped tomatoes that are meaty and tasty. Highly disease resistant. Bears in 85 days. 20 seeds $2.50

G019 Hanging Basket Tomato

A fast growing miniature tomato that is perfect for hanging baskets or flowerbeds. Bears loads of delicious 1" fruits and has ornamental dark green foliage. 20 seeds $1.95

The Hanging Basket Tomatoes were the other type that Mama Yasmini grew in 1998. They are fabulous. Give it a try and you won't be sorry. This will be part of her 1999 garden as well.

VS580 Heatmaster (Sunwave) Tomato

The perfect tomato for hot Southern gardens where temps range 95 degrees or more. Fruits are deep red and average 7 ounces or more. Very disease resistant and produces in 75 days. 25 seeds $1.95

VS710 Heinz Tomato

What can I say? A tomato developed by the famous catsup people for making catsup, purees and sauces. If you like making any of these, this tomato is a must. Resists cracking and has excellent foliage cover. Beautiful, delicious fruit in 72 days. 25 seeds $1.95

VS720 Hillbilly Tomato

An ancient heirloom from the hills of West Virginia. Fruits are large, mild with an unusual orange-yellow color streaked and mottled with red. 15 seeds $1.95

VS750 Italian Tree Tomato (Trip-L-Crop)

Enormous yields on vigorous vines that can grow up to 15 ft.. Need to be trellised. Each plant can produce up to 2-3 bushels of tomatoes. Fruits are rich red, meaty and large. Perfect for canning. 25 seeds $1.95

VS730 Old German (Heirloom) Tomato

An old heirloom variety producing huge boat shaped fruits weighing 2 pounds or so. Color is golden yellow with pink to red stripes that varies from fruit to fruit. Excellent for slicing. 25 seeds $1.95

VS590 Patio King Tomato

Perfect for container gardening. Very compact plants produce in 70 days. Excellent tasting fruits. Disease resistant. 25 seeds $1.95

VS740 Pineapple Tomato

Huge uniquely patterned, beautiful, yellow-red striped fruits make the centerpiece of any garden. Beefsteak type fruits are meaty and delicious and easily reach 5" in diameter. Plants are heavy foliaged to protect fruit. 20 seeds $1.95

VS780 Sausage Tomato

Unusually shaped tomatoes, up to 6 inches long like huge red banana peppers. Fine flavored meat for catsup or sauces. 20 seeds $1.95

VS572 Tiny Sweet Million Tomato

A true cherry type that is a good container grown plant. Bears heavy loads of 1/2" fruits in triple clusters. Well rounded, deep red color and with multiple disease resistance. 10 seeds $2.50

VS790 Toma Verde Tomatillo

Widely used to thicken Mexican salsas. 2" fruits are harvested green and husks removed before cooking. Very easy to grow. 25 seeds $1.95

VS760 White Wonder Tomato

One of the mildest tomatoes anywhere. Stays white inside and out when ripe. Nice for slicing, canning and juicing. Makes a stunning dish when sliced and served with pink, red and gold tomatoes. 25 seeds $1.95


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