Mama Yasmini's Place


If you have any great links - or even your own site - that you would like to see on this page, please write to Mama Yasmini and let her know about them.

Gardening - Home Page A great site for any gardener, but specifically aimed at Canadian gardeners, climate, etc.

Northern Garden This is another great Canadian and northern gardening site.

Garden Related Mailing Lists If you want to get in touch with others who love to garden, check out this page.

The GardenWeb Forums The GardenWeb Forums comprise the largest community of gardeners on the Internet. Whether you're a new gardener or an old master, here you will find like-minded people and friendly discussions.

The Time Life Complete Gardener Encyclopedia Search Page Looking for a plant, houseplant, tree, or shrub? This searchable database contains almost 3,000 species selected for general use in North American horticultural practice.

The Garden Gate The Gardener's Guide to Mailing Lists

Little Sprouts Gardening and your Kids... Garden Centre Information pages

Gardening - The Mining Company The main gardening page from The Mining Company.

Gardening - Resources from The Mining Company Again, The Mining Company is a great one-stop place for all kinds of information and links. While you are there, check out some of their other pages.

HomeArts: Welcome to Botanica A Gardening Club - brought to you by Home Arts and Garden Escape

GardenTown Home Sage Hall Gardening Forum and Gazebo Friendly Chat

The Organic Gardens Country Life and Simplicity Village's Organic Gardens.

Verna Lynn's Garden Pages Over 700 Gardening Links Arranged by Topics

Welcome to GardenGate GardenGate is a gardening source for the garden enthusiast. It enables people to send garden theme cards or to write for/to other gardening resources.

GardenNet The premier gateway to gardening on the Internet. Another great multi-purpose gardening site with searches and articles and much more.

Specialty Gardening

Care of Cactus in the Home, G74-187-A If you have never tried growing cacti before, this is a great place to learn the ins and outs of raising these fabulous plants.

Garden Forum: Roses Wonderful for those who love roses.


Henriette's Herbal Homepage Probably the best herbal information site on the Interet. A definite must to check out.

Wisteria's Herbal GrimoireHerb Garden, Magick Garden, Herbal Apothecary, Natural Beauty, Quick Reference, Magickal Properties

The Whole Herb Herbs - gardening - cooking - preserving - celebrating - herbal beauty - crafts - recipes - discussion - herbal body tips - projects - aromatherapy - soap - herb business - candlemaking - organic - natural health - medicinal herbs

Native American Herbal Traditional Herbal & Plant Knowledge, Identifications

Download your FREE Herbal Computer Software Shareware Herbal Programs

The Official Seed Starting Home Page - Herb Seeds Weekend Gardener - Your Weekly Electronic Gardening Guide - Practical Horticulture for Busy People.

Gardening Made Easy A nice site with good info and links.


An Herbarium This is a great site for adults and children. Excellent instructions and illustrations for a great project.

GH: The Heloise Helpline Homemade Potpourri

The Whole Herb: Crafts with Herbs A bunch of potpourri recipes, herbal wreath and more.

Crafts'nThings Online The on-line version of the great print crafting magazine.

CraftPals General Crafts Some really neat crafting ideas - including some using herbs and plants.


Gypsy Wisdom Gypsy Folk Medicine

Vanessa's Pagan Place The Pagan Pages - The Ecology Pages - The Herb Pages - The Folklore Pages - The Literary Pages - The Fun Pages - The Personal Pages

Pagan-Home Web Page A great place to check out.

"Wiccan/Pagan Links" Tons and tons of links to some really great pages.

Sacred Spiral Different Kinds of Pagan crafts, gifs, and other information.

Phoenix Rising Chronicles A great place to find all kinds of articles, recipes, and just good information. Put together by a wonderful witch.

Witch's Brew: Table of Contents Another Great Witchy Site with lots of info.

Mama Yasmini's Place